Transfer Policies

Local Transfer

  • Discontinued effective August 1, 2010 and are no longer available.
  • In lieu of transfers an unlimited day pass is available for purchase for $2.50.  Day passes are not available for purchase on the bus.  Please visit a TAP sales outlet to purchase day passes.

Interagency / Metro to Muni Transfer – Commuter Only

  • City of Santa Clarita Transit requires that all Interagency Transfers be loaded onto your TAP card.  Interagency Transfers are $.55 and effective July 15, 2018 will be automatically deducted upon your second boarding.
  • Valid for one ride within two hours from time TAP card is used for your first trip.
  • Worth $1.00 credit towards the full cash fare on inbound Santa Clarita commuter routes.
  • Worth $.50 credit towards the reduced cash fare for eligible seniors and persons with disabilities on inbound Santa Clarita commuter routes.
  • Interagency and Metro to Muni Transfers are not valid on local bus routes.


Santa Clarita Transit Monthly Passes

  • Local Monthly Passes Valid only on local routes. Local passes are no longer valid on commuter routes and do not count as a credit towards another ride.
  • Commuter Monthly Passes Accepted on all local routes and valid for one cash fare per trip. Commuter monthly passes are the only valid on the route it was purchased for.

EZ transit passes*

  • Full Fare Worth $1.00 credit towards any higher zone commuter route full cash fare. For example, if you have a Zone4 EZ transit pass and wish to ride a Zone 5 commuter route, your pass will be worth $1.00 towards the cash fare.
  • Reduced Fare Worth $.50 credit towards the any higher zone commuter route reduced cash fare route. For example, if you have a Zone 4 EZ transit pass and wish to ride a Zone 5 commuter route, your pass will be worth $.50 towards the cash fare.
  • Passes with a higher zone may be used on lower zoned routes, good for one ride per use.

Metrolink Tickets and Passes

If a customer boards a bus without valid Metrolink media, the full cash fare will be collected.

  • One-Way Ticket Valid for one boarding on any Santa Clarita Transit route on the date of purchase within the timeframe printed on the ticket.
  • Round-Trip Ticket Valid for two boardings on any Santa Clarita Transit route on the date of purchase.
  • Weekend Pass Valid on any Santa Clarita Transit route during the weekend printed on the pass.
  • 7-Day Pass Valid on any Santa Clarita Transit route during the week printed on the pass.
  • Monthly Pass Valid on any Santa Clarita Transit route during the calendar month printed on the pass.

* Recommended use for passengers who ride multiple routes or agencies. Upcharges may apply with other transit operators. Please contact your connecting transit operator for more information.

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